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Effect of temp and pressure on state change

Can matter change its state upon changing the temperature and pressure? Let's find out! Created by Vibhor Pandey.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user saanvi31.shree
    as in the first example you have told, where ice is being melted, while it is still melting, why does is stay at 0 degrees celsius? it can gradually keep increasing righ?
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    • duskpin seedling style avatar for user Aashirya
      It remains at zero due to a phenomenon called latent heat. When ice reaches it's melting point, i.e., 0 degrees, It has already acquired all the heat it needs to melt the frozen particles thus does not gain any more heat until it uses up all the heat it has already attained . This energy is hidden so it's called the latent heat or hidden heat of fusion. At this time, the temperature remains constant.'''
      (2 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user rwhe85703
    This energy is hidden so it's called the latent heat or hidden heat of fusion. At this time, the temperature remains constant.'''
    (1 vote)
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