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The living seas: Unit vocabulary

Some useful words to support your understanding!
This is a list of some noteworthy vocabulary you'll find in this unit! Some are related to the unit topic, and others are generally useful academic words.
You'll know some of the words already, and some may be new. Take some time to familiarize yourself with them all before you get started on the passages and exercises in the unit. And in Lesson 5, you'll get a chance to test your knowledge of these words.

Contaminate (verb) to make something dirty or unsafe

Conserve (verb) to keep something safe; to protect a natural resource

Crisis (noun) a tipping point; a very dangerous period or situation

Debris (noun) trash, remnants of broken things

Develop (verb) to grow larger or more complex; to build or improve

Ecosystem (noun) everything (both living things and nonliving things) that are found in a specific environment

Encounter (verb) to unexpectedly meet with someone or something; to come face-to-face with something

Innovative (noun) coming up with new ideas or approaches; inventive

Maintain (verb) to keep something the same; to provide support for something

Resource (noun) money; minerals, land, or other useful things

Sanctuary (noun) a place to hide and be safe; a place of protection for humans or animals

Significant (adjective) important; worth paying attention to; a large amount

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