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Go deeper: Extension activities

This section is specifically designed to provide educators with engaging extension activities that elevate students’ critical thinking skills, adhering to the higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Extension activities

Deepen and apply the learning from this unit by exploring some our suggested extension activities. Designed for individuals or groups, they can be adapted to accommodate different levels of difficulty, time, and resources:

Compare, contrast, and choose!

Investigate and compare the features of diverse retirement savings vehicles such as 401(k)s, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and other investment accounts. Utilize the principles and knowledge acquired in the unit to assess and select the most appropriate retirement strategy tailored to your hypothetical financial situation and objectives. Compile your analysis into a comprehensive presentation, chart, or report that details your chosen strategy, along with its benefits and potential drawbacks.

Interview: Personal retirement stories

Arrange a discussion with someone in your personal circle who has experience with retirement savings, such as a family member, friend, teacher, or a professional in the finance industry. Inquire about their approach to retirement planning, the challenges they faced, the successes they achieved, and how they are currently managing their retirement funds.
Compile the information gathered and reflect on their strategies and wisdom to formulate a summary of your conversation. Present your findings and the valuable insights learned to your classmates or teacher, potentially providing practical, lived experiences that complement the theoretical knowledge from class.

Game time!

Participate in a game or a competition that tests your knowledge and skills of retirement planning/saving, such as the Retirement. Challenge yourself and your classmates or friends to see who can find the 2-millionaire!

Real world relevance

Explore and analyze how significant economic factors such as inflation, stock market trends, and social security updates currently impact retirement planning at a local, national, or global level. Leverage both unit resources and additional credible sources to support your research. After in-depth study, choose one of the following methods to present your findings and critical analysis:
  • Create a poster
  • Record a podcast
  • Shoot a video
  • Write an article

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  • blobby green style avatar for user J Morales
    On the Retirement Game, Cassandra's numbers are incorrect. The answer key says she is the 2-millionaire, but with those numbers, she accrues less than a million. Please verify.
    (1 vote)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user