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Using Hour of Code with your child

What is Hour of Code on Khan Academy?

On Khan Academy, we offer multi-hour, self-paced courses in JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL. For Hour of Code, we have curated one-hour introductions to each of those topics.
You and your child can check out all of our offerings here:
Here's a breakdown of what you'll pick from:
  • Hour of Drawing with Code: This hour teaches your child to program using JavaScript, one of the world's most popular programming languages. They'll use JavaScript to program drawings and finish with a fun project to draw either a snowman, animal, or self-portrait. Requires good typing skills and a keyboard. Recommended ages: 8+.
  • Hour of Webpages: This hour teaches your child to make their own webpages using the basics of HTML and CSS, finishing with a holiday greeting card. Requires good typing skills and a keyboard. Recommended ages: 8+.
  • Hour of Databases: This hour teaches the fundamentals of databases, which are how apps store data about users and content. Your child will use SQL to create tables with data in them and query them, finishing with a project to create a database for an imaginary store. Requires good typing skills and a keyboard. Recommended ages: 12+.
Each option includes the following content:
  • Instructional videos and “talk-throughs”. Talk-throughs are like videos, but you can pause them and play with the code in realtime.
  • Coding challenges, which give your child a chance to practice the concept and give us a way to automatically grade them and award points.
  • A final project, a way for your child to use what they’ve learned in a more creative, free-form way.
We believe that it will take your child about an hour to get through any one of the options. However, we also believe on Khan Academy that your child should be able to learn at their own pace, so we encourage you to give your child more than an hour (like 1.5-2 hours), or make it clear that they don’t need to finish the entire lesson.
What is Hour of Code?
Hour of Code is an initiative to encourage students to spend an hour learning to program and takes place annually during CS Education Week in December. Our hope is that many students will want to keep going with many more hours of computer programming and computer science.
Khan Academy video wrapper
Hour of Code - WORLDWIDESee video transcript

How can I use Khan Academy's Hour of Code lessons with my child?

Before Hour of Code

During Hour of Code

After Hour of Code

  • Print out a certificate for your child. Download a PDF here
  • Encourage your child to continue learning to program on Khan Academy, using our full curriculum. Everything on Khan Academy is free, so all you and your child need to do is signup!
  • Share your stories with us! We'd love to see photos or videos of your children working through our lessons or screenshots of the projects they make. Share them on Twitter or Instagram, tagging @khanacademy #hourofcode.
Thank you for encouraging the next generation of computer scientists!

Frequently asked questions

Feel free to post additional questions or comments in the discussion below.
Is the curriculum translated into different languages?
The lessons are fully translated in Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Bulgarian and Serbian. They are partially translated in Czech, Italian, French, Hungarian, and Korean.
In translated languages, the talk-throughs are dubbed, and challenge instructions, project descriptions, and error messages are translated. Interactive talk-through transcripts in these languages are also available so learners can go at their own pace, in their own language.
Is the curriculum accessible to deaf students?
Yes, there is a transcript option available for the talk-throughs. Click the gear menu next to the play bar and select "Interactive Transcript." Students can pause the talk-through if it is going too quickly.
Is the curriculum accessible to blind students?
We try to support screen-readers on the KA website, but there are many aspects of the coding experience that are not yet optimized. We instead recommend the accessibility-optimized Quorum Hour of Code.
Do the tutorials work on ChromeBooks?
ChromeBooks use the Google Chrome browser, which is one of Khan Academy's supported browsers, so yes, all of the tutorials should work well on a ChromeBook.
Can students continue working on the lesson after Hour of Code?
Yes! They can work on it at their own pace at any time. They should sign up for an account (or use an account you've created for them) if they want to easily pick up later from where they left off.
Do students need a Khan Academy account to use the curriculum?
They do not need a Khan Academy account, but they may enjoy it because having an account will allow them to track their progress and earn points and badges.

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