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Activity: Comparing social media feeds

Contrast the different realities available on social media


Find a partner, and open up the same social media app. Scroll through their main feed (and please refrain from looking at any of their notifications, messages, etc.).
  • What is the same about your feeds?
  • What is different?
Now, think about someone who deeply disagrees with you about some of your core beliefs.
  • How might their feed look different from yours?
  • What do you think their feed does to their view of the world?
  • What does your feed do to your view of the world? ‍


Please don’t share your feed or read someone else’s feed without mutual consent. If you’re working in a group, ask for two volunteers to share their feeds with each other and get permission to share their answers with the group.
Consider the big picture. What happens to our collective view of reality when we’re each receiving different information that’s motivated by these incentives? When we’re in competition to get the most likes and shares? And when the most sensational content is what helps us feel seen?
We quickly end up on a path to a distorted view of both reality and ourselves.

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