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Angles of elevation and depression

Learn what  the terms angle of elevation and angle of depression mean. The words may be big but their meaning is pretty basic!
When you see an object above you, there's an angle of elevation between the horizontal and your line of sight to the object.
Similarly, when you see an object below you, there's an angle of depression between the horizontal and your line of sight to the object.

Practice problem

The image below is a model of Aya, point A, looking up to Super Girl, point S, in the sky.
What is the angle of elevation from Aya to Super Girl?
Choose 1 answer:

What is the angle of depression from Super girl to Aya?
Choose 1 answer:

When are these terms useful?

Angles of elevation and depression are often used in trigonometry word problems, so it's good to know their meanings.

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