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What do we offer for out-of-school programs?

Khan Academy is a non-profit on a mission to provide a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. To accomplish this goal, we've created a personalized learning experience that uses videos, exercises, and articles to engage students across a wide range of subjects, with a special emphasis on math and computer programming.

Thanks to its flexibility, Khan Academy can be used in virtually any learning environment, from out-of-school time programs to summer camps to correctional facilities. Students can use Khan Academy to fill in gaps in their education, get extra practice on skills learned in school, or accelerate their studies.
Access to our site is completely free, with no contract, spam, or ads.
Students can access videos, exercises, and articles either through our library or our personalized learning experiences, course mastery.  In addition, we have an interactive, creative programming platform in which students of all ages can learn how to code as well as content from a variety of subjects, from Art History to Cryptography.  Students can explore and progress through subjects at their own pace, which is especially useful for out-of-school settings.
We believe that teachers are critical to student success. A "teacher" on Khan Academy can be a classroom teacher, a parent, a mentor, or even a peer.   They do not need to know the content themselves. No matter who they are, teachers are there to support their students, celebrate their victories, and help them find lessons in defeat.
Every Khan Academy account can be setup as both a “learner” account and a "teacher" account, so all the features available to learners are also available to you as a teacher.  The best way to familiarize yourself with our learner features is to experience them for yourself, so feel free to open the "Courses" menu and start exploring!

If you have questions or need help, visit our Help Center. You can find a link to this resource at the bottom of every page on Khan Academy, under "Contact."
This section of our website is designed for educators and volunteers who want to incorporate Khan Academy into a program. If you’re tutoring just a few students, you may find our resources for parents and mentors more helpful.

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