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The college experience

College offers students the freedom to choose their classes and schedules, exposing them to new ideas and people. With a supportive environment and passionate peers, college helps students grow personally and achieve their dreams, making it a unique and transformative experience compared to high school.

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  • duskpin tree style avatar for user Laura
    I really want to go to MIT but am afraid I won't get in. What should I do?
    (11 votes)
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    • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user danny0814.dj
      You should not be discouraged by the fact that MIT is a world-class university. Rather you should choose what you want to major in MIT and start researching for what they require and they are looking for. I guess it is best to go beyond the requirements since that is the minimum standard that everyone who is applying for it has passed. Also don't focus on academics only but make sure to do extracurricular activities too, for sometimes they will pick students with significant leadership activities or extracurricular activities over someone with high academics. As for me I am trying to get into UPenn in dentistry major and I guess all we can do is have confidence and do your absolute best!
      (22 votes)
  • hopper cool style avatar for user maceden
    What are the pros and cons of going to a community college, a private university, a for-profit school, or even not going to college?
    (7 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user gwendolynn kim
    well im applying to college too but im scared i might not be accepted with a scholarship although my friends and teachers say i can do it. I am just feeling terrified. What to do?
    (3 votes)
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    • spunky sam blue style avatar for user CZ
      Apply and see what happens. Your sense of fear is just that. What will happen will happen, but if you don't apply you are guaranteed to fail. If your name is not in the hat, you certainly won't get it picked out of the hat. Life has no guarantees, but people need people to do amazing things. If you have a desire to make the world a better place, someone will want you to work for them or on their problem. There is a shortage of hard working focused people in this world. Your GPA and other credentials are just an indicators, they matter less in the real world then you might think. Don't ignore them, but just know that the difference between someone with a 4.0 and a 3.4 is not very great in the eyes of a college professor, researcher, or employer. Do your best with the application, but send it off with confidence. Spread the net wide and do at least three schools, but if you have time I would do about seven (I did six). I hope it goes well with you.
      (10 votes)
  • starky sapling style avatar for user Wildcats
    It is almost time for me to start applying to colleges but I am still trying to decide between two fields which I am interested in pursuing during college. Is there any way for me to apply for scholarships without having decided on what I want to do yet?
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  • male robot johnny style avatar for user Zhangir
    I have really big problem right now with choosing my future career; can some give any idea how to choose your future career or something that will help me to understand where i have to go ?
    (4 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user woo_hwang
    In order to go to college, what should I do?
    (3 votes)
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    • stelly yellow style avatar for user ⭐BEST20042007⭐
      To get into college just make sure you have a fair GPA (unless if you are going to apply to selective schools aim for a high GPA) and your standardized test scores for the ACT and/or SAT have to be good. If you need help with SAT, Khan Academy have a lot of free practice with that. More importantly, you want to have a stellar Common App entrance essay and have good letters of teacher reccomendations. If all of the things I mentioned are good, then you will have no problem getting into a 4-year college! Best of luck!
      (4 votes)
  • aqualine tree style avatar for user Josephine Kim
    Going to college seems stressful.... Any tips??
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user MeLearningA186
    This is sort of an out of the topic question, but I am in the middle of 8th grade and want to apply for scholarships. Are there places where I can apply for it no matter where I live in the US without certain verifications if that makes sense?
    (3 votes)
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  • cacteye yellow style avatar for user kmf062
    I want to go to college but I don't have a set- in stone idea of what I want to do as a career. I stuck between doing a career that I have been thinking about ever since middle school and career that I have just have started thinking about pursuing. Which career should I pursue? The middle school one or the present one?
    (3 votes)
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    • aqualine tree style avatar for user David Alexander
      "career tracking" while still in high school may be advised if you are REALLY clear (like, I want to be an engineer because that's the family business, or I want to be a doctor, lawyer or member of the clergy, etc.). But there is so much out there that you should explore widely. That's what the first two years of college are about. Or maybe, just maybe, spend a few years in the Army first. That'll help you mature and focus.
      (2 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user 44167
    What should I do if my grades are too low for college.
    (2 votes)
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Video transcript

- In college there is so much freedom in terms of time, scheduling. - You're not only choosing your own schedule, but you're choosing what classes you want to take, what classes you don't want to take. - Around the time of freshman orientation we were given these booklets with hundreds of courses that you could take from dozens of different departments and programs and I thought it would be a good idea to just grab a highlighter and go through every single page and mark up every class that sounded remotely interesting and at the end of this, when I got to the end of the book, I probably had about 60 courses highlighted. Concepts of the cosmos, sociology of the school, race in American, U.S. education. - The cool thing about college is that any given point, in any given day, you're going to run into a really amazing person who's going to blow your mind about something that you haven't thought about. - The support system is amazing. All the kids here are so passionate and they're so into their learning. I think that's what I find different than high school. I'm not the one that's pushing and pushing and everybody else is just satisfied with doing what they need to graduate. - The students actually want to be there. That's a big difference than high school to college. Everybody is really friendly. There's not as much cliques. Everybody is just cool, nice, you can talk to anyone. That's the best thing about college. - Just being exposed to new ideas, new people, new cultures. It's completely mind changing. - I work three jobs. I work at the admissions office, I work for my cultural center, and I work at my residential college. I studied abroad twice. Once in Madrid and once in London and I've had two internships, one in Minneapolis and one in Alaska, and over the course of all these experiences there have been several instances where I'm just like I cannot believe how radically different my life is now than it was before. - Because it's fun to look at Shakespeare when you're actually in London or it's fun to be able to dream something and then work for it and then see it happen. - I cannot believe, everyday I am so surprised by how much I have grown since I was in high school. When I was in high school and I was looking at colleges, I had no idea how I was going to fare. I didn't know how I was going to succeed. It seemed like this big thing so far away that everyone else was in on except for me. I really found myself and I know who I am and I'm just so excited by continuing this intellectual journey. It's just something that's very exciting to me. - Basically, it has allowed me to dream much bigger, and not only dream much bigger, but also realize that those dreams are very possible as well.