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How Not To Get Hacked: Websites and Wifi

It is essential to be able to recognize fake websites and ensure your Wi-Fi connections are secure. In this video, we'll go over some best practices for website and Wi-Fi security to help you avoid getting hacked. Created by Code.org.

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Being safe online starts at the top. Up here is the address bar. First, look for the lock. If you see the lock, then your information is secure. If there's no lock, that means your data is out in the open and definitely not safe. There are lots of fake websites on the internet. Check the URL to make sure this is a real version of the website you want. Sometimes a website might look like what you want, but it's a fake. Be careful when you're on wifi that you don't trust. Like free wifi in a cafe or in an airport. When you connect to public wifi, anyone in the area might be able to monitor what you are doing on the internet. The good news is when you're using public networks like this, individual websites can use encrypted connections to protect your traffic from anyone else that might be spying on the network. If you look at the address bar up in the browser and it says not secure, that means the site isn't using encryption and every bit of data you send is out in the open and not safe.