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Atomic radii trends

Atoms are not all the same size. The relative size of the atoms follows a set of trends on the periodic table. Going across a period, the main group elements tend to decrease in atomic radius due to the increased nuclear charge. Going down a group, the main group elements tend to increase in atomic radius due to increased shielding and the addition of new shells to the structure of the atom. Created by Sal Khan.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user aaronpeter077
    how come as the protons increase going down the periodic table the radius increases, but as the protons increase from left to right the radius decreases
    (6 votes)
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    • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user little  ghost
      When moving down a group, you’re adding more protons, but you’re also adding more electrons, filling up the lower shells and forcing the electrons into higher energy shells that stay further away from the nucleus.
      When you move right across a period, you’re adding more protons and electrons, but you stay at the same number of shells, rather than forcing electrons into higher shells, allowing the magnetic attraction between the protons and electrons to keep the radius of the atom smaller.
      (10 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Tianyue Ma
    If I am understanding correctly, as the number of electrons increases in the same energy level, the radius of the atom decreases. But why?
    (4 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Humd
    I thought that atoms dont have any actual physical shells? Aren't the electron shells just visualizations in the bohr model to represent energy levels, but they don't actually represent position of electron or path?
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user 27am0902
    Why are Francium and some other elements not on the graph?
    (2 votes)
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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user Kathy
    Where is the Atomic Radius in a element?
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user thedarkknight2855
    How would you determine if for example Li, is bigger than S. They are not in the same period or same group. How would you be able to identify which atom has a bigger atomic radius?
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user E F
    When did we learn that elements down a group have more and more shells of electrons? I want to go back and review why because this video is acting like we should already know that. Thanks in advance!
    (1 vote)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user Mirage
      I think you are meaning periods, as groups go horizontally. If you head back to lesson 3 (the Bohr Model) and scroll to the subsection labelled 'How are electrons arranged in Bohr models?', you can see a diagram added. As we go down from Hydrogen to Lithium, we notice the protons increase from 1 to 3, and neutral atoms would have electrons of 1 and 3 respectively.

      The first energy ring can only hold 2 electrons, so for Lithium having three electrons, the second energy ring would have to be added to hold the third electron. Take sodium, with 11 protons and 11 electrons (if neutral). If the first energy ring can hold 2, and the second can hold 8, a third energy ring would have to be created to hold the last electron.

      This could be applied more so to the rest of the periodic table periods. (Please do correct me if I made a mistake! 🤗)
      (1 vote)
  • stelly orange style avatar for user Volcannon1752
    This is kind of confusing. Could someone help me understand this?
    (1 vote)
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  • male robot johnny style avatar for user jimmyzhao0001
    Why do we need to know this?
    (1 vote)
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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Chocolate
    Why are some numbers in brackets?
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

- [Lecturer] As we continue into our journey of chemistry, we're gonna gain more and more appreciation for the periodic table of elements. We're gonna realize that it gives us all sorts of insights about how different elements relate to each other. And we're gonna talk about one of those insights, and that's atomic radii trends. So we're gonna talk about, by looking at the act table of elements, can we deduce how the different sizes of these atoms might relate to each other? So let's just start with the group one elements right over here. So we're in this first column. What do you think is going to happen to the radius of these atoms as we go down this first column? As we go from hydrogen to lithium, sodium, potassium, so on and so forth? Well, you might be thinking, "Well, as we go down this, we're adding a lot more electrons." The outermost electrons, even though we have the same number of valence electrons, we have one valence electron for everything in group one, that one valence electron is at a higher and higher energy level. It is at a further and further out energy shell. And so one way to think about it is, if you have the nucleus of an atom here and you have that one valence electron out here, well, the more that you go down this group, you're gonna have more electrons in between, in between... (chuckles) This is a pretty messy drawing. In between that nucleus and that valence electron. And that valence electron is going to be further and further out because it's at a higher energy level. So because of that, one, you have shielding from these inner electrons from that positive nucleus, and this is at a higher and higher energy level. As you go down this group, the radius increases. So let me write that down. Increases. What are we talking about? We're talking about atomic radii increases. So for example, cesium or, well, let's go with francium. Francium is a much larger atom than hydrogen. Now what happens if we were to go horizontally? What happens if we were to go across a period here? So let me do it in different color. What if we were to go, if we were to look at, say, period four, and if we were to go from potassium to the right all the way to krypton? What do you think is going to happen here? I mean, think about it for a second before I explain it to you. All right, so this is the situation where we're going to keep adding electrons as we move to the right, but you're not going to be adding electrons to higher and higher energy levels. You're either going to be backfilling in the transition elements, or you're going to be adding electrons to your valence shell. So you're not having higher and higher energy electrons, so they're not gonna be any further away from that nucleus. But as you go from left to right across one of these periods, you're adding protons. So you're making the center of that atom more and more positively charged. So it's going to pull in those outer shell electrons more and more and more. So based on that, you would expect to see that the radius decreases as you go from left to right along the periodic table of elements. And we can confirm this intuition by looking at this plot here. So what this is doing is it's plotting every element in the periodic table of elements based on its atomic number and its atomic radius. So for example, this right over here is hydrogen, and then your atomic number increases, you're at helium, and our intuition is correct. It looks like the radius has decreased. And then we go into the second period. And actually, let me just show each period here. So if we go into period two here, lithium has the largest radius. And as we go from left to right in period two, we get to smaller and smaller radii. Now if we go to period three, we see the same trend again. So we see, confirmed in the actual data, that trend, that as you go from left to right on a period, the radii or the radius decreases. Now let's think about a group, which is where we started. Well, across or up, down, any group, if we go to group one right over here, we see that intuition. You go from hydrogen to lithium to sodium to krypton, all the way to cesium here, we have our radius is increasing as we're adding higher and higher energy shells. You see the same thing with group two. This is the second column in the periodic table of elements. So the data confirms our intuition.