Remote learning with Khan Academy during school closures

Updated March 27, 2020

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Resources for schools, teachers, and parents 

We know there’s a lot on your minds—from health and safety to child care and jobs. These are exceptionally challenging times as we close schools to stop the spread of COVID-19, and we want to do everything we can to support you.

Khan Academy is a free resource for students, teachers, and parents.

We offer free lessons in math, science, and humanities from kindergarten through the early years of college. Students can use our exercises, quizzes, and instructional videos to learn and master skills. They will get immediate feedback and encouragement.

Resources to support you during school closures

We are having daily live streams on Facebook and YouTube at 12:00 p.m. PT/3:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday, for students, parents, and teachers navigating school closures.

We’ve also created some helpful guides for you:


Daily schedules to keep students ages 4 to 18 learning during school closures

Weekly math learning plans for grade three to Algebra 2

Parent quick start guide

• FAQs for Supporting Learning During School Closures

Getting started with Khan Academy and Khan Academy Kids for remote learning webinar

SAT updates and Official SAT Practice how-to

Khan Academy Kids YouTube channel and free printable activities for kids ages two to seven 

• Webinars

          • How to motivate and engage your kids in learning: Wednesday, April 29, at 6:00 p.m. ET/3:00 p.m. PT

         • Finding your footing in uncertain times: Balancing multiple kids with multiple schedules: Monday, May 4 at 5:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT  

          • Setting a daily schedule for young kids ages two to seven 

          • Setting a daily schedule for elementary school students ages 8 to 10

          • Setting a daily schedule for middle school students ages 11 to 13


Get a free teacher account

• Set up your classroom for remote learning with our Quick start guide and video

• Ask your questions of expert Khan Academy teachers:

          • Educator virtual happy hour: Friday, May 1 at 4:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. PT

Catch-up with recent professional learning sessions:

          • How one teacher helped his students ace math … by taking them back to kindergarten!

          • 7 tips for effective remote learning—from setting up a schedule to addressing the emotional impact

          • How to engage and motivate your students … even when you’re remote!

Khan Academy is a free resource for students, teachers, and parents.

What is Khan Academy? We offer exercises, quizzes, and tests so students can practice and master skills, as well as instructional videos to help students learn or review material.

• Khan Academy has a library of standards-aligned lessons covering kindergarten through early college math, grammar, science, history, AP® courses, SAT® preparation, and more.

• Students can practice skills with exercises, quizzes, and mastery challenges and get immediate feedback and support.

• Khan Academy is available in 40 languages.

• Students without laptops can access the Khan Academy website or use the Khan Academy app on smart phones.

Teachers get tools and reports designed specifically for them.

• Teachers can easily assign students an entire course—Algebra 1 or AP Biology, for example—a specific unit, or a specific skill.

• Teachers can easily track student progress with our reports.

School and teacher resources: How can you use Khan Academy?

We have several resources including a step-by-step Welcome guide and a series of online videos featuring real teachers demonstrating how to use Khan Academy to assign instructional videos and practice skills and monitor student progress. All these resources are available at Teacher essentials. Teachers can also join our #TeachWithKhan Facebook group.

How to get started:

  1. Create free accounts from our home page. 
  2. Take a tour of our free content.
  3. Check out our teacher and parent resources, and learn how you can easily assign students a course to master

More questions? Visit our help center.

Khan Academy Kids for early learners

If you have a child ages two to seven, we recommend our free app, Khan Academy Kids. In addition to building early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math skills, the app encourages creativity and builds social-emotional skills. It is 100% free, with no ads and no in-app purchases. Khan Academy Kids is available on iTunes, Google Play, and the Amazon App store.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization.

Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. With more than one billion children world-wide being impacted by school closures, we are experiencing soaring demand for our free resources. Our ability to quickly increase our services is made possible by Bank of America, AT&T, and Novartis. If you are able, please consider making a donation. Together, we can keep everyone learning.


The Khan Academy team