Can you earn more points than me this summer?

Hi, I’m Cam from Khan Academy, and I challenge you to join me for a surge of summer learning!


I can’t unicycle yet, but I’m learning. My other summer learning goals are focused around biology and economics.

No matter what you choose to learn on Khan Academy, you’ll be eligible to earn two special badges:

  • Get the Summer Surge badge by earning at least 50,000 energy points this summer.

  • Get the I Beat Cam badge by earning more points than I do this summer.

The challenge runs from the June 23rd through August 28th (official rules below). There’s no special signup to earn these badges; all you have to do is start learning now!

Not sure what you want to learn this summer? Here are three ideas:

  1. Supercharge your math skills. For example, if you’re headed into Algebra I, jump into the Algebra I mission and get started on those mission foundations (pre-requisites) to make sure you start the school year strong!

  2. Join Pamela in a Summer of Scripting! Sign up for reminders and weekly contests to help you learn JavaScript, one of the world’s most popular and important programming languages!

  3. Explore a new topic you’ve always been curious about, such as economics, finance, art history, or health and medicine. Remember: You can learn anything!

I look forward to learning alongside you this summer. You can track my summer learning progress by watching my KA profile or by following me @icamlearn on Instagram or Twitter. Let me know what you’re learning using the hashtag #KASummerSurge.

Your fellow learner,


Official rules

All points earned anytime from the very start of the day (PDT) on June 23rd to 11:59pm PDT on August 28th will count towards these badges.

Badges (described above) will be awarded only after the contest has ended. I’ll give everyone their badges on August 31st.

Who is beating me so far?

I have earned a total of 0 points so far this summer (as of June 23rd), so I imagine lots of people are beating me right now. But, remember, badges are awarded at the end of the summer (after August 28th), and you’ll only get the “I Beat Cam” badge if you earn more points than I do over the course of the entire summer.

Check back here in coming weeks to see a list of usernames that are beating me.

UPDATE (July 16th): Because so many of you have earned so many points, I’ve decided not to post a list of everyone beating me – it would fill up the entire screen! Instead, here are instructions for how to figure out if you’re beating me:

Step 1: Calculate your starting points (points earned since June 23rd).

  1. Go to your activity page (profile–>progress–>activity).
  2. Set a custom range to see your progress since the 23rd.
  3. Sum your daily energy points to find your summer earnings.
  4. Subtract your earnings from your current KA energy points to find your starting points.

Step 2: Spin of this awesome CS program and input your starting points.

Step 3: Watch the program calculate whether or not you’re beating me 🙂