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When should I chat with Khanmigo?

When should we chat with Khanmigo? Here are some ideas to get you started.

When should I chat with Khanmigo?

It depends on what kind of help you're looking for! But here are some ideas:

Practice exercises

Many students find it most helpful to talk to Khanmigo when they're getting confused.
  • Try chatting with Khanmigo as soon as you're feeling unsure about something.
  • You can talk to Khanmigo before you enter an answer!
  • You don't need to wait until you're feeling stuck or frustrated.


Our help articles are written by our learning experts, and every word has been carefully chosen by human educators, BUT:
  • You can open up a chat with Khanmigo before you read a single word—ask for a summary!
  • If you think you understand what's in the article, you can ask Khanmigo to quiz you on the article.


Khanmigo can "see" the full transcript of the video you're viewing, so you can ask Khanmigo about what's in the video at any time.
  • Before you watch a video, you can ask Khanmigo for a summary, to make sure it contains things you want to learn about.
  • During the video, you can ask Khanmigo questions to improve your understanding
  • After you watch a video, you can ask Khanmigo to create a quick quiz to see if you understood. Show Khanmigo what you know!

Quizzes and tests

Sorry, but these tasks are a chance for you to show what you know—without Khanmigo's help. That's why Khanmigo isn't available on quizzes, unit tests, mastery challenges or course challenges.

Test preparation

Lots of students find it helpful to use the "Tutor Me" activities to prepare for tests and quizzes! Just tell Khanmigo your grade level and what subject or topic you need help with!
Give it a try!

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